Friday 11 September 2015

Flip book

What is a Flip book?

The Flip book also known as Flick book is a book with a series of pictures that are drawn to vary gradually from one page to the next. These books can create an unlimited number of story's as they can be as long or as short as the creator wants. 

The first flip book appeared in September,1868. when it was patended by John Barnes Linnett under the name Kineograph ("moving picture"). In 1894 a man named Herman Casler invented a mechanical version of the Flip book called the Mutoscope which mounted the pages on a rotating cylinder rather than binding them in a book. 

The flip book is made from paper, a binder clip, pens pencils or any other drawing equipment.

Advantages - Not much material is needed to make a flip book, the materials are cost effective and you can always add on to the story.

Disadvantages - The material is hard to keep quality. There is a high degree of artistic ability required to create one of these books and it is also very time consuming.

Here is a video showing how the flip book works

Now for a video to show how to make a flip book

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