Friday 16 October 2015

Stop motion

Stop motion animation

Image result for wallace and gromit stop motion

Stop motion animation is a technique that makes a physical object appear to move, this is done by taking a series of pictures with the object moving in each picture. When the pictures are all put in sequence it gives the illusion of the object moving. 

The first instance of the stop motion technique can be credited to Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton, they used this technique in The Humpty Dumpty Circus 1898.

The equipment that can be used for stop motion animation include a camera and a computer for recording and editing purposes, but the models for it can vary. A few known examples are clay models, white board animation, wooden models, and anything else from humans to household appliances. So in theory anything that can be moved can be used for stop motion animations.

Advantages- The advantages of stop motion animation is that there are endless possibilities as to what you can do with the animation. You can make objects that cannot move on there own move through means of stop motion animation, for example; you could make toy cars appear to be racing each other. In the case of using clay figures for stop animation you could make vegetables or fruit have arms and legs and run about, the possibilities are limitless. 

Disadvantages- There are some disadvantages to stop motion animation, the most obvious one is that stop motion animation can be very time consuming and it may take a long period of time just to make a short video. If you were to do a movie made from stop animation it could turn out to be a very tedious project and could take a spectacular length of time to make. Another disadvantage depending on how detailed and long you want to make your video is that it could cost a fair amount of money for the resources you need, this is mostly applicable if you're making a lengthy detailed video or film. 

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