Friday 30 October 2015

2D Computer Graphic Animation

2D Computer Graphic Animation.

Image result for 2d computer graphics

2d computer graphic animation is a technique based on computer generated digital images that started roughly in the 1950's. 2d Computer based graphics are similar to stop motion animation and cel animation in the sense that you need to produce each frame. It can take the best of both worlds and use them to produce clearer and more high definition animations also while being less time consuming. There are many different softwares you can use to create a 2d computer animation, such as CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and some free programmes such as xfig or inkscape. You can create anything from a board game, to a full on 2d animation. The animations can be made by creating frames in the mentioned software, then put the frames together to make an animation and even add sound if you wish. The only equipment you will need is a PC or Laptop and any of the mentioned software. 

The advantages- You don't need a large amount of artistic ability to use the software and create animations. It is a much more time efficient technique compared to the likes of stop motion animation and if you make any mistakes you can always just erase the mistake as if it was never there.

The disadvantages- You need to be creative to use the software efficiently, to create your own 2d animations from scratch. As much as it is more time efficient than stop motion, 2d computer graphics is still a lengthy process and you would need a lot of patience to make a whole animation. The last disadvantage that i would list is that if you don't back up your data regularly if the computer cuts out midway through your work you may lose your progress.

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